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Man grouting black glazed kitchen wall tiles, these tiles are size 200 x 100 mm and fitted in brick pattern layout, grey grout.

Tiler grouting black ceramic wall tiles, size 200x100mm.

These tiles are very popular in kitchens, and are generally fitted in a brick pattern style layout, although a formal layout produces a more contemporary look.

Grey grout is being used here to soften the grout line on the eye. White grout would have the opposite effect, which would highlight the grout line making it stand out more.

It is recommended to apply a grout sealer to specific areas in the kitchen, especially above the hob, this would prevent the grout from becoming contaminated by fat and oil. Oil splashing on to the grout will make it look patchy and messy and is very difficult to clean off.

White kitchen tiles 200mmx100mm fitted with tile spaces

This image shows white tiles fitted in a brick pattern, tile spaces are being used to secure tiles with the relevant grout line, in this project we are using a 2mm grout space, the spaces would be removed when tiles are set in position, ready for grouting.


White kitchen wall tiles fitted in brick style layout, they have been finished with white grout

Here we see those white tiles grouted.

When fitting tiles around the hob area you must pay attention to the layout. This in most cases is the main focal point in the kitchen and particular attention should be paid here. If you have a full tile for example to the left of the hob you should have the same on the right side. When fitting you would identify the centre of the wall area and start fixing the tiles from that position."Do not start fixing from either the left or right side, this will most often create unbalance in the layout.


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